Farmed Cervidae Registration Application

  • Current Facility Information
  • Owner and Manager Information
  • Certifications
  • Complete

A person may not possess live Cervidae (elk or non-WTD species) in the state unless the person is registered with the Board. (1721.0380) "Cervidae" means animals that are members of the family Cervidae and includes, but is not limited to red deer, elk, moose, caribou, reindeer, and muntjac. New registrations for possessing white-tailed deer are prohibited (Minnesota Statute 35.155. Subd.10.C.

"Farmed Cervidae" means Cervidae that are raised for any purpose and are registered in a manner approved by the board. Farmed Cervidae are livestock and are not wild animals for purposes of game farm, hunting, or wildlife laws. To register as a farmed Cervidae producer, (1) complete this registration application, (2) pass a pre-stock inspection by the Board of Animal Health to verify compliance with Minnesota Statute 35.155 and Minnesota Rules 1721.0370 to 1721.0420 and (3) make payment to the Board of Animal Health. As of July 1, 2019, the fee is $500 for producers that manage their herd for profit or monetary gain, engage in transaction or exchanges for consideration, sell the ability to shoot animals in the herd, or if the herd consists of more than one species. The fee is $250 for all other herds.

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